Criminal Defense

New York Criminal Defense Attorneys Manhattan

Being charged with a crime is a very scary experience. No matter the circumstance – whether you are falsely accused, you were justified in your actions, or you simply made a mistake – you need attorneys who are willing to fight back and can craft a defense to prevent you from getting a criminal record, or worse, jail. At Cohen & Fitch LLP we have had great success in getting our clients out of trouble. We have been able to get hundreds of criminal cases completely dismissed or resolved without having to spend a single night in jail. Each case is different but our determination to fight is always the same. We fight until you have the best deal or you are exonerated completely.

Driving Under The Influence (DWI/DUI)

DUI/DWI arrests are very common and often involve very serious collateral consequences. You can lose your driver’s license or your car. The interplay between the DMV and the criminal court system is confusing but at Cohen & Fitch, LLP we have had success in making sure or clients can keep their drivers licenses for as long as possible and have assisted clients in getting conditional licenses so they can continue to drive to work while their criminal case is pending. We also know how to fight these cases by using the police officer’s paperwork and testing procedures against them. Just because you have been arrested for driving under influence it does not mean you have to be convicted of this offense. You need experienced attorneys who know the system and how to prevent you from being trampled by it.